Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Discrimination! (Not)

Customer: [in a rude tone] I'd like to place an order
Me: OK, are you having the item shipped to your confirmed billing address?
Customer: What? I want it shipped to my job!
Me: Unfortunately, if we take your payment over the phone, we can only have it shipped to your confirmed billing address. Otherwise you'll have to place your order online using---
Customer: [cuts me off] OK, whatever. I'll have it shipped to my house.

[I go through the usual spiel of asking for name, address, phone number.... and then I ask for an email address...]

Customer: {with an attitude] I don't have an email address. Or a computer.
Me: Hmm, unfortunately I need an email address to complete your order. The system won't let me proceed without one, as our customer accounts are email based.
Customer: WHAT?? THIS IS DISCRIMINATION! I want to speak to a supervisor!
Me: In regards to what, sir? This is standard for all----
Customer: {cuts me off] NO! This is NOT RIGHT! How DARE YOU treat me this way? Just because I don't have a computer you don't want to help me! This is RIDICULOUS!
Me: ....sir, all online companies require email addresses when placing an order because-----
Customer: [cuts me off again] I WANT A SUPERVISOR!

[I place him on hold. My boss happened to be passing by and heard the tail end, and heard the customer yelling. He's like "if he doesn't have a computer, how did he get our phone number, or know what we have in stock?" Indeed.]

Me: Sir, we'll just use a dummy email address to complete the order.
Customer: GOOD. [grumbles to himself]

[I confirm the information. I get to the part with the email address and tell him since I entered a dummy email address he would not receive confirmation once the item ships.]

Customer: ....Oh... well, I do have a computer, but ah... I don't have access to it.
Me: ...I see.



I really can't make this shit up, man.


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