Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Know You're Not Open, But... #2

Subject:     Shipping?

Hey, I ordered my phone at 12:45am and got over night shipping when would it get here? and would i have to sign for it?


This customer placed their order on a Sunday...! *head desk*

Overnight shipping is the bane of my existence, especially for Thursday/Friday orders. Most people don;t seem to know that UPS's overnight is next business day, so if an overnight order is placed on a Thursday/Friday, they expect it on Saturday.


They do deliver overnight on Saturday for an extra $20-$40. Most people would balk at that (our overnight is already steep...), so we don't bother to mention it.

What pisses me off the most about my customers is how uninformed they are. I think it's an individual's duty to be an informed consumer... why would you blindly buy something without knowing what it is?? This should be true all the time, but when you're shopping online this should be mandatory.

But then again... this blog would be obsolete if that happened... or would it? I've always been of the opinion that most people are stupid, so I don't think that even with the customers being informed citizens that it would make much of a difference ;)


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