Customer: I made an offer and I'd like to cancel it please?
Me: OK, no problem. Do you have the item number? [she gives me the number and I look up the item.] Oh, the phone is for $150, so we wouldn't have accepted that offer anyway.
Customer: Yeah? Well, the offer I made was too high... I wanted to put $10, but I typed an extra zero by mistake
Me: ....I see. Well, we only take up to $5 less than the asking price for our offers.
Customer: Then why bother to have the option to make an offer if tou won't accept mine??!?
...yeah. The standard caliber of our customers, no surprise there right?
But we got this note in an offer recently I thought I might share:
Offer price: US $54.00 [The phone was for $74.99]
Message to seller: warning!!!!!!!!! I may decide I don't want this phone! Can you extend the time of when it delays? If I do decide I want one I may not have the money at that time but, I could get it soon.
If you don't have the money, don't bid. I understand shit happens (hell, I've personally had to retract offers on eBay 'cause I was broke) but stating up front that you might not have the money/want the phone? Even if they would have made a reasonable offer, we would have declined it based on the note alone.
What a dope.
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